New Site

Posted on Feb 23, 2024

In my previous career, I was expected to maintain a curated page listing my academic acolades. I will post that information on this site at some point in the future, but for now, I am planning to start fresh. This site will be dedicated to things that interest me. Mainly, I expect it will revolve around the various technology things I enjoy, especially my homelab setup and the various tehcnologies related to that. I am in the process of building out that homelab from the ground up and will document the process as I go. My plan is to try and “do the right thing”™. More details to come, but for now, let’s hope this doesn’t flop.

About Me

I have always been interested in technology, and have followed that path for my entire professional career. I started at Penn State University studying Computer Science and Engieering. I earned my BS in Computer Engieering, followed by my MS and PhD in Computer Science and Engieering. I focused my graduate studies on cybersecurity, specifically looking at ways to build systems that protect the integrity of the system and the data being hosted.

After graduating from PSU, I started as a research scientist at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, where I continued the cybersecurity theme. I worked on a number of different projects before settling into a research project looking at data provenance. This was a natural extension of the system and data integrity work I was doing during my graduate studies. While working on data provenance, I was fortunate to collaborate with a number of talented researchers across academia and industry.

While working on data provenenance in collaboration with my univeristy colleagues, I decided to try my hand at teaching and moved to UNC Charlotte, where I was an assitant professor teaching cybersecurity related classes and continuing the data provenance research. I developed an interest in graph representational learning and collaborated with my peers at UNC Charlotte to apply machine learning to data provenance.

After a time, I realized that I loved teaching and building/debugging systems, but not the other academic prusuits. This led to some searching on my part. I decided to find a new career where I could be more directly involved with technology. This resulted in my current postiion as a Staff Engineer at Canonical in the Sustaining Engineering group. In this role, I work with customer issues, debugging and supporting their needs.